Fluoride Therapy in Burlington

Fluoride therapy is one of the preventive dental treatments used in order to strengthen and protect your teeth. We provide fluoride therapy at Lakeside Family Dental as part of our total care to help maintain your oral health.

What is Fluoride Therapy?

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and promotes general oral health. It makes teeth stronger and more resistant to acid attacks by bacteria and sugary food substances. Fluoride therapy takes the form of applying an intense solution of fluoride to the surface of your teeth, after which the enamel absorbs the fluoride for added protection.

Why is Fluoride Therapy Important?

Getting fluoride treatment is most advantageous for people who face an increased possibility of tooth decay and cavity development. This preventive measure targets three primary groups: children, seniors, those affected by dry mouth, and those who do not practice proper oral hygiene. 

The application of fluoride helps rebuild enamel that has weakened and protects teeth from developing cavities. This makes fluoride therapy an efficient cavity prevention strategy.

How is Fluoride Applied?

Patients receive fluoride therapy in dental treatment by getting dentist-applied fluoride varnish gels or foams. Fluoride treatment is quick and painless. It only takes a few minutes. Dentists do this treatment often during check-ups or as part of other dental procedures.

Benefits of Fluoride Therapy

  • Prevents tooth decay: Fluoride application strengthens tooth enamel to resist the formation of cavities.
  • Stimulates remineralization: Fluoride aids in reversing initial signs of demineralization by restoring minerals to the enamel.
  • Safe for all ages: Fluoride therapy is safe for children and adults, ensuring that healthy teeth are there at every phase of human life.

Lakeside Family Dental continues its commitment to preserve your smile’s health. Contact our practice if you want fluoride therapy or if you need information on how fluoride treatment helps your dental wellness. Our team provides top-quality dental care treatment to both you and your loved ones.